1. Overview
Object Analytics (OA) is ROS2 wrapper for realtime object detection, localization and tracking. These packages aim to provide real-time object analyses over RGB-D camera inputs, enabling ROS developers to easily create amazing robotics advanced features, like intelligent collision avoidance and semantic SLAM. It consumes sensor_msgs::PointClould2 data delivered by RGB-D camera, publishing topics on object detection, object tracking, and object localization in 3D camera coordination system.
OA keeps integrating with various "state-of-the-art" algorithms. By default, backend of object detection is IntelĀ® movidius ncs2.
2. Running the demo
Object Analytics with OpenVINO toolkit
# Start OA demo with OpenVINO
source /opt/robot_sdk/robot_sdk_setup.bash
ros2 launch object_analytics_node object_analytics_with_openvino_sdk.launch.py
Customize launch
By default, object analytics will launch both tracking and localization features, but either tracking or localization or both can be dropped. Detailed please refer comments embedded in launch file.
3. Interfaces
Subscribed topics
* /object_analytics/detected_objects (object_msgs::msg::ObjectsInBoxes)
Published topics
* /object_analytics/rgb (sensor_msgs::msg::Image)
* /object_analytics/pointcloud (sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2)
* /object_analytics/localization (object_analytics_msgs::msg::ObjectsInBoxes3D)
* /object_analytics/tracking (object_analytics_msgs::msg::TrackedObjects)
* /object_analytics/movement (object_analytics_msgs::msg::MovingObjectsInFrame)
4. Known issues
5. ToDo